Back in 2020, I stumbled upon this marvellous website that debunks dialectical materialism by a brilliant woman called Rosa Lichtenstein. I merely skimmed the site and did not give her arguments much time. As a brainwashed cult member, I ridiculed her attempt to establish a Marxism without dialectics. Months later I was out of the cult and had drawn the same conclusions as herself, admittedly independently – that dialectical materialism is complete and utter nonsense. Only after leaving, my mind freed of cultism, did I make an effort to read and understand her criticisms. Her website is a comprehensive analysis and destruction of the claims of dialectical materialism. Whilst she remains a Marxist, she is intellectually honest enough to realise that the stale formulas of dialectical materialism cannot explain reality. I have wanted to mention her on this blog for a long time, but never got round to it. She does a much more thorough job that I can hope to do of exposing the bullshit that is diamat.