New Horizons

The last several months have been a period of discovery. I have delved deep into Dostoevsky, I am now discovering the magic of Thomas Hardy, and I am probing the wisdom of George Eliot. I am acquiring the rudiments of a literary education. In the sphere of music, I am working my way through the … Read more

Nietzsche on the vengefulness of Marxists

Thus do I speak to you in parables, you who make the soul giddy, you preachers of equality! You are tarantulas and dealers in hidden revengefulness! …I pull at your web that your rage may lure you from your cave of lies and your revenge may bound forward from behind your word ‘justice’. For that … Read more

Marx and Marxism: Two gripping books re-write the historical record

Over the past month I have read both Jonathan Sperber’s Karl Marx: A Nineteenth-Century Life and Gareth Stedman Jones’ Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion. Both books have their strengths and weaknesses. Both do a convincing job of correcting the record on Marx and his relationship to the doctrine that bears his name. They put him … Read more

The Truth about the German Revolution

One of the many idiotic claims made by Trotskyists is that if only the revolution had spread to Germany, and the other ‘advanced’ countries of Europe, the USSR would not have been ‘isolated’ and it would have received aid from these countries that would have enabled it to avoid Stalinism. No detailed explanation was given … Read more

Debate in Trotskyist Sects: Part 10

Anyone under the illusion that the International Marxist Tendency, or any other Trot cult, encourages open and honest democratic debate, should prepare to have their illusions punctured. When I joined the organisation, I was assured that it was a place where disagreement and dissent was welcomed. It was not long before I found out that … Read more

Martin Malia’s The Soviet Tragedy: Review

The late American historian of Russia, Martin Malia, wrote a book a few years after the USSR’s collapse entitled The Soviet Tragedy. It is one of the best books on the USSR I have read, together with Nekrich and Heller’s Utopia in Power. It’s a very detailed, scholarly work of historiography that I would not … Read more

The terrible truth about the IMT Split of 2010 – or, Debate in Trotskyist Sects: Part 8

When I was in the IMT, we boasted endlessly of our democratic credentials. We compared ourselves favourably with Peter Taaffe’s organisation, which hounded out dissidents mercilessly. We replayed the trauma of the 1991-2 split over and over again. We convinced ourselves that we had much higher standards for our organisation. Little did I know that … Read more

How I raised my differences in the IMT, or Debate in Trotskyist Sects: Part 7

When I joined the IMT, I found myself in this strange environment with which I was both personally, and, as it would turn out, politically incompatible. It was inevitable that it would all end in tears and that, as with so many other times in my largely depressing life, separation, ostracism and anger all round … Read more

The Poverty of Dialectics: Part 3

I touched on this in my very first post on diamat, but at least two aspects of dialectical materialism which boggle the mind to no end, are the ideas that (a) one’s social class background is necessarily connected to one’s thought and (b) that human thought exists as part of an organic, homogeneous, dialectical whole, … Read more