IMT cultist denounces his family on X for peer approval, is ridiculed for his mindless devotion
In the latest example of Trot cultism, an IMT member has denounced his little brother for being an annoying reactionary on X, and been rightfully mocked. I am reminded of how IMT leaders tried to get me to recruit my brother into the organisation. Christ.
Reddit socialist discusses his unpleasant encounter with the International Marxist Tendency
The original post can be found here.
Edmund Burke on the stupidity of revolution
Edmund Burke had some superb insights on the idiocy of revolutionary ideology and its dangers to human civilisation. His Reflections on the Revolution in France contain some superb insights and salutary observations on the disasters that befall a commonwealth when abstract ideals of equality and democracy dreamed up by some guru take centre stage and … Read more
A German ex-IMT member exposes this cult!
‘Why I left the Spark and the International Marxist Tendency’ (QUEER) FEMINISM – ANTI-SEXISMEDUCATIONPOLITICAL THOUGHTS Translated form the original German which can be found here. 16.01. 2024 I was in the funk until a few weeks ago, this over a period of about 6 months. Especially in the last few weeks and months, I’ve noticed … Read more
The sad story of Rob Sewell’s drunk lead-off
In December 2019, the good people of Socialist Appeal based in London gathered at the Centre for a fun-filled, boozy Christmas social. Rob Sewell, who had unfortunately had too many beers prior to the event, was expected to give a lead-off at the beginning of the social, before an extended political discussion. Rob stood to … Read more
Alan Woods, Pedophile
The details can be found here. Indeed, more recently rumours of Shaista’s supposed ‘inappropriate’ behaviour at World School 2013 arose, whereby she has been accused on a number of occasions of ‘flirting’ with senior members of the organisation such as Rob Sewell and Alan Woods. Clearly, this is a ridiculous allegation and amounts to little … Read more
Socialist Appeal declares itself a party. Entrism has failed!
The good folks at Cultist Appeal announced recently that they have reached 1000 members and that they will be rebranding themselves as a party for the year 2024. This seems to me to be an admission in all but name that their entrism scheme has failed miserably. When I was a member, we always said … Read more
My four years at university – the worst years of my life.
I don’t like talking about my time at university. It was hell. And it was hell because of my involvement in the highly abusive cult that is the International Marxist Tendency. University in this country as in many others in the Western world is sold as a chance to make a fresh start from the … Read more
My favourite Matt Monro song…
A very personal one to me.