How Trotskyists hate

Prince Philip, husband of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, dies at 99

Like everyone else in Britain, I heard the sad news of the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. His passing has been marked by a reflection on his life, legacy and the institution of monarchy that he did so much to uphold. Likewise, it has also been an opportunity for the worst far-left cranks and morons on the dumpster-fire that is Twitter to air their loathsome opinions and celebrate his demise. Indeed, Rob Sewell of Socialist Appeal wrote a truly abysmal article filled with slanders and lies about the Duke of Edinburgh, and much of the piece is more an attack on the monarchy in general than anything to do with him personally. These idiots are obviously unaware of Prince Philip’s heroic war record, in which he fought against actual Nazis, at a time when Trotsky and his followers were saying there was no difference between liberal democracy and Nazism and were actively seeking to disrupt the war effort (thankfully with no success). What is more, his mother hid Jews who were in danger of being sent to the death camps, and is honoured in Israel as a ‘righteous Gentile’. Instead, they would rather focus attention on his politically incorrect remarks and ‘gaffes’, so as to paint him as a vicious racist. (They would also like to distract attention from their hideous support for anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, disguised as ‘anti-Zionism’.) They also repeat Meghan and Harry’s preposterous slanders about the monarchy, aired in the nauseating ‘interview’ they conducted with Oprah from their hide-out in California. You would forget that the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme has done more to help poor working-class kids than any decrepit Trotskyist sect has ever done in eighty years. People who are not even fit to lick the man’s boots now rejoice over his corpse. Well, as the saying goes, the hyena may dance over the lion’s grave, but he will never be a lion. Millions will mourn Prince Philip, a man who gave his entire life in the service of public duty. When the crackpot cult leaders Alan Woods and Rob Sewell die, they will be remembered by no one except their crackpot followers. I will also be sure to give them a suitable ‘obituary’ on this blog, exposing their decades of crankery, cultism and corruption of young minds, along with petty tyranny, stupidity and evil.

Moving on from any discussion of the Woods demon and his equally rotten sibling, the outpouring of bile from lefty trolls has reminded me of how much my own experience in the IMT was defined by just this kind of hatred. Every get-together, it seems, was a festival of vitriolic hatred for whoever was on our long roll-call of enemies – Blairites, ‘left-reformists’, environmentalists, feminists, liberals, monarchists, conservatives, fascists, Stalinists, other Trotskyists, left-communists, ex-members and anyone who was in any way outside our organisation, or deviated from our politics in the slightest degree. These were all obstacles to the final victory of the proletariat, and we would no doubt have devised a suitable way of getting rid of them if we had seized power – that is, by means of bullets and concentration camps, or some sort of mass exile. That this would drain the country of all its most valuable citizens, and leave behind few people besides the zealots and fantasists in their loathsome organisation, is something that these Lilliputian, Leninist loons do not take into consideration. In the case of the top leaders of the organisation, who have been in the sect for decades on end, hatred for everyone outside the ranks is undoubtedly one of the things that keeps them going. To admit defeat would be to admit that the hated Blairites were right after all. That is not an option. So the battle to ‘build the Organisation’ continues, year after plodding year. Despite the promise of sharp shifts and sudden changes on the horizon, of explosive events and ‘a turn in the situation’, their numbers continue to plateau, and they remain an irrelevant sect, cordoned off from politics by their own tactical ineptitude and fanaticism.

Much of this hatred is a form of in-group bonding. This is part of what Lifton, the great cult expert, called the ‘dispensing of existence’. One says something mean about a ‘bourgeois’ politician on social media, and all of the other cult members are liking, sharing and commenting, giving you moral approval for being a jackass. And you, the recipient of this unabashed celebration of immorality from your peers, commit yourself to doing more of it. The funny thing about Marxists is that, for all their hypocritical moral self-righteousness, they are just like the rest of us, with the dark side of human nature just as ingrained in their psyche as it is in everyone else. They, too, thrive on anger, bitterness, resentment and the desire to destroy. The difference is that they are dishonest about it, and cover it up with a show of moral purpose and virtuous outrage at ‘injustice’. They hate everything that is true, that is good and that is beautiful. Wherever they see these things, they are determined to find some flaw in it. Hence the hatred for Israel, a prosperous, self-confident liberal democracy which is a beacon of light in a region of almost unbroken darkness and turmoil. Far worse regimes surround it, but Israel is singled out (in a blatantly anti-Semitic manner) for criticism, demonisation and slander, whilst states that have tried to destroy it and wipe out its people in a second Holocaust are celebrated as ‘progressive’ and ‘workers’ states’, to whom it was vital to give ‘critical support’.

These vermin will never understand why they are despised by the rest of humanity, or do such a great job of driving away former adherents. It is because they are unbearable to be around for more than a few minutes. I still remember the endless routine of ‘socials’ I attended as a young and naive member. Locked into an echo chamber, I had no inkling of how ridiculous our conversations might sound to someone outside, but now I look back and I cringe. How could I have involved myself with such a sordid enterprise and surrounded myself with these angry young men and women, who were full of fire and fury but had so little understanding? One of the bravest things I ever did in my life was departing from that assembly of evil, and bidding good riddance to this monstrous ‘project’ of social reconstruction. If for the rest of my life I remain a staunch conservative and a sworn enemy of left-wing activism, it will be as a direct result of these unfortunate experiences of youth. I landed myself in the midst of these people, who were drunk on the fantasies of unlimited power and knowledge combined with unlimited and unchallenged authority and probity, and mercilessly bullied those who dared to question their conclusions, hounding them from their ranks.

Let these corrupted youths cackle like hyenas over a man who had more virtue and generosity in his little finger than they will ever have in an entire lifetime. The rest of us will pay our respects, reviving a little bit of the culture of deference that has been lost in a post-modern world that posits the lie of equality.