Kamala Harris, Freedom and the RCI

Kamala Harris staring down Hamas-supporting anti-Semites at a Detroit rally earlier this summer. Epic!

I have been inspired by the campaign taking place across the water to elect Kamala Harris the next President of the United States of America. The first thing I heard of her was when my ex-comrades back in 2019 were denouncing her angrily on social media, calling her ‘Copmala’ and ridiculing her background as a bourgeois prosecutor who hunted down black criminals. This apparently made her a hypocritical accessory of the state and therefore unworthy of calling herself a progressive. Her campaign collapsed and she faded from view until President Joe Biden revived her career by making her his vice-presidential running mate in 2020. To my delight, Biden and Harris stormed to victory against the orange, pussy-grabbing fascist in November of that year. I eagerly watched the news reports from my room whilst I was in Coventry studying for my Master’s degree. Now, history has pushed her forward again as the successor to a faltering President too senile to run for re-election. No sooner did I arrive back in the UK after a holiday in the States (where I was present for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, which took place whilst I was kicking my heels in Boston diner), than the news of Biden dropping out of the race ricocheted around the world, more resonant than the sound of the bullet that missed Trump by mere inches.

Since then, a veritable tsunami of excitement has swept the nation. Millions have become ‘coconut-pilled’ overnight, as the future of the American republic and of the cause of freedom worldwide falls on the shoulders of the hard-nosed, no-nonsense former prosecutor and sitting Vice-President, who is on track to be the first female President in the country’s history. The world will be able to breathe easily again only once we see the reports from Election Night of her carrying the swing states, witness her taking her oath of office without an attempted coup by disgruntled fascist insurrectionists directed by their tangerine Messiah, and puts the necessary measures in place for the convicted felon to be prosecuted for his crimes and thrown in jail.

A familiar stump speech that she has been fond of reciting over and over again is that which pits her record as a ‘bourgeois’ prosecutor against that of an actual bourgeois, the disgraced ex-President and convicted felon (sorry, that should be ‘justice-impacted person’) Donald Trump. ‘As a prosecutor,’ she is fond of saying, ‘I took on predators who abuse women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.’ The exhilaration I and those who are actually in the crowd for her speeches feel when she gives us this old familiar line is catatonic. Watching it and vicariously thrilling to every word of what she said as the crowd cheered uproariously, I could not help but think of the IMT, now rebranded as the RCI. Replace Donald Trump with ‘Alan Woods’, or ‘Tim Trottier’ or any other senior leader of that satanic organisation. Predators who abuse women? Plenty in the RCI, including the Dear Leader Alan Woods himself. Fraudsters who rip off their members? Well, a cursory glance at the twisted fund-raising methods used by this cult highlights in garish colours the fraudulent nature of this enterprise. Cheaters who break the rules for their own gain? The corrupt leaders of this criminal sect have no qualms about breaking their own organisation’s rules in order to retain control, or covering up crimes (like sexual assault and pedophilia) to avoid any fundamental restructuring or quesitoning of their authority.

A certain Fehr Marouf (a known sex pest) was one of those throwing around the ‘Copmala’ jibe. Could one source of his hatred of prosecutors be the fear and loathing he has for the people who may one day indict him for his criminal conduct? I well and truly hope that if she becomes President, ‘Copmala’ Harris will personally authorise an unprecedented federal investigation of far-left cults like the IMT and have their members brought to justice for extortion and the covering up of hideous crimes like rape, sexual assault and pedophilia.

‘Copmala’ Harris, the fiend of predators of all kinds, like the RCI.

Much to their dismay, the RCI and their far-left allies failed to derail the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this year, as they successfully did 56 years ago. A handful of Hamas-loving nutters turned up to protest and were drowned up by the show of unity and excitement over the Democratic Party’s brand new repository of hope, Kamala Harris. Despite intense efforts to push the ‘genocide’ charge and make the conflict in Israel-Palestine the centre of the political debate, the terrible truth is that the Democrats have closed ranks as never before against the monstrous prospect of a second Trump presidency, which many people higher-up in the organisation secretly want anyway. I have always suspected Alan Woods of having a sneaking admiration for Donald Trump. Trump wants to be a dictator, just like Woods. Trump challenges the liberal-democratic order and undermines it, thus apparently paving the way for a dictatorship of the proletariat. His freewheeling, showman style of politics is also similar to that of Woods’ great friend, Hugo Chavez, a guy who boasted about the size of his anatomy live on television and talked nonsense about the greatness of Carlos the Jackal and Idi Amin, in between rants about capitalism destroying life on Mars and how judges who made decisions he didn’t like should be arrested. Compare that to Trump’s ravings about ‘the late great Hannibal Lecter’ and calls for his political opponents to be jailed, as well as his praise for autocrats like Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping.

Harris’ barnstorming campaign is brilliantly encapsulated in this 1-minute long advert, with Beyonce’s heart-pounding song, ‘Freedom’, playing in the background:

When I listen to that song, I cannot help but think of my own battle for freedom against a tyrannical cult. The RCI and the Trump cult are very different, but very similar. Like MAGA supporters, IMT cultists smear and slander opponents, threaten them with violence and imprisonment by the ‘revolutionary vanguard’, abuse women sexually, physically and emotionally, push racist rhetoric against Jews, spread misinformation on social media and restrict themselves to their own echo-chambers where they receive a steady stream of indoctrination and an alternative reality that alienates them from their surroundings. MAGA is what you get when cultism takes over a nation. Luckily the RCI cult is so far small and irrelevant. Just as I have prevailed in my own battle with cultism, I hope the American people take down the Trump cult and win liberation for themselves once and for all. And to any RCI members reading this, I invite you all to become ‘unburdened by what has been’, become coconut-pilled and embrace freedom from an apocalyptic Marxist doomsday cult and its corrupt and evil leaders.