Trot cultists out of our schools!

Two schoolgirls holding an SWP poster posed for a photograph, later posted on the revolutionary group¿s Twitter page
The corruption of the young.

I have done quite a lot of IMT-bashing on this blog, being, as I am, a former member. But this blog was also set up to expose other Trotskyist cults, and now seems like a wonderful opportunity to bash the Socialist Workers’ Party, and their antics in a London school.

It turns out that this sinister cult of rape-apologists and terrorist supporters has been involved in hijacking the school riot in Pimlico Academy, corrupting the impressionable young minds that reside there and stirring them to further acts of vengeance and violence. This sordid incitement appears to have been abetted by the cowardice of the headmaster and the teaching staff, who have caved in to the bullying mob of bratty schoolkids and taken down the Union Jack that used to be flown by the school. (The original one was burnt by protesting school students.)

If I was the headmaster I would have called in the police and expelled every student involved in this misbegotten riot, and refused to readmit them until their parents taught them the meaning of discipline. But what has happened in Pimlico seems like a dark foreshadowing of what could soon happen in other schools. Increasingly, the youth of my generation are falling prey to this vindictive woke rhetoric that tells them that they are all victims, that their teachers and other people in authority are oppressors, that their feelings and ‘identity’ trumps objective facts, and that they have the right to decide what they are taught and make adjustments to their own curriculum. These ignorant children must be reminded of their place. The last thing we need is appeasement from hand-wringing, liberal, PC teachers, who cower in the face of juvenile anarchy and who are terrified of being called racist if they enforce order and discipline in their schools. It is time for a fightback against the woke warriors. It all begins in the classroom. If we can’t root out this poisonous ideology from the minds of these teenage tyrants, what will they grow up to become?

It is not unheard of for Trotskyist sects like the SWP to attempt subversion of schools in the manner I have just described. As a member of the IMT, we had our own, small-scale program of infiltrating Sixth Forms, helping sympathisers there to set up Marxist Societies, and recruiting from them. In the Coventry branch we would often discuss the prospect of Sixth Form work, but never got an opportunity to carry it out. I am honestly relieved that I was never put in the position of lecturing impressionable school children on Marxist theory.

I have no principled objection to loathsome organisations like the SWP and the IMT being banned. Like Islamist and far-right organisations, they are totalitarian cults seeking the destruction of liberal democracy, and using every channel they can to undermine it from within. My one fear is that banning them will simply drive them underground. I otherwise have no issue with suppressing these hideous entities, and keeping them far away from our children.

Trot cultists out of our schools!