Trotskyist cults are destiny-destroyers

The finale of Mahler’s First Symphony, representing my triumph over cultism.

Trotskyist cults are destiny-destroyers. At their most benign, they are destiny diverters, destiny derailers. Ultimately, I am convinced that the IMT has not been able to derail me completely from my ultimate destination. As Nietzsche, inspired by the Greek poet Pindar, once counselled, I am now on my way to becoming what I am – fulfilling all of the potential I was in danger of wasting on fanaticism. The dark clouds of cultism has lifted and now I see the sun, shining mightily, in all of its luxuriant radiance, upon the blackness and misery that I once inherited, lighting the way to my recovery. Instead of wasting my energy on revolutionary socialism, I am now fulfilling my real destiny – of becoming a writer and a classical singer, an artist and an intellectual. This was never compatible with the stifling conformity of a toxic, political cult. In leaving I saved my life. I saved my future. I am forever grateful to myself for having the strength to free myself, and grateful to all those who helped me along the way.

Many talented people have thrown away their lives by joining these organisations. I knew full-timers who abandoned potentially lucrative careers in the law to become paper-selling drones. That is truly sad. I am happy to know that I will not be one of those who waste years of my life in this disgusting manner. I am currently reading Tolstoy’s War and Peace, and there is more wisdom and brilliance in that magnificent story of aristocratic Russia in the nineteenth-century than in all of the idiocy written by Ted Grant, work that I would have been forced to waste my time reading if I was still in the IMT. This literature was dismissed by Trotsky in his History of the Russian Revolution as contributing nothing essential to humanity. He had to do this in order to make the USSR look good in comparison. Thankfully, he did not succeed.

Trotsky himself is a good example of how a talented individual is lost to cultism. Trotsky could have achieved many great things if he had not chosen to throw in his lot with violent revolutionaries early on in his youth. The results of his wasted life speak for themselves. His loathsome present-day worshippers do not reflect well on the legacy of their hero. Alan Woods undoubtedly could have achieved great things outside of being the leader of a tiny revolutionary sect, but he fell under the spell of Grant from an early age, and there went his life. He then went on to ruin many other promising young people. One of the most unforgivable things about these rotten groupuscules is how they corrupt such precocious but insecure young men and women from their true path, and turn them into empty husks to be filled with pseudo-intellectual garbage and made to parrot slogans unthinkingly. They will likely spend decades with their brains psychologically and intellectually frozen and inhibited from growth and development. Pray for the sick souls of brainwashed Trots, and pray that they find a way back to their real selves, the way I did.