Why Marxism is worse than Christianity

When I left the cult, an IMT cultist taunted me on Facebook for lapsing back into lost Christian faith. I had been very open about my Christian upbringing and how I resented the fundamentalist nonsense with which I was indoctrinated. Now it was being used against me, in typical cult-like fashion. Of course, Christianity had … Read more

The Truth about the German Revolution

One of the many idiotic claims made by Trotskyists is that if only the revolution had spread to Germany, and the other ‘advanced’ countries of Europe, the USSR would not have been ‘isolated’ and it would have received aid from these countries that would have enabled it to avoid Stalinism. No detailed explanation was given … Read more

‘The USSR was not real socialism’ Part 3: Stalin’s Forced Collectivisation

Trotskyists always deny that Trotsky bears any responsibility for the horrors of Stalinism. It is entirely the fault of the ‘objective conditions’. That Trotsky assisted Lenin in suppressing the working-class, establishing a one-party state and crushing all opposition within the party itself are facts which are overlooked. All of this paved the way for the … Read more