International Marxist Tendency reaches new low, republishes Swiss conspiracy theorist!

In a new low for the IMT, they have just republished some articles by a man named Jacques Baud, a former Swiss army officer and intelligence expert turned conspiracy theorist and Kremlin asset. According to his Wikipedia page, this loon has appeared on far-right conspiracist channels like the French-language Russia Today and the far-right YouTube channel TV Libertés, founded by a former member of the French National Front! His sordid record, which includes Darfur genocide denial and claims that the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime in Syria are ‘false flags’, have been exposed by the journalist Antoine Hasday. (I do in fact read French – unfortunately for these idiots. I encourage all my readers to put the linked article in Google Translate and read about the false claims of this Kremlin stooge.) The IMT editorial board saw fit to publish, in translation, some of his outlandish claims about what is now going on in Ukraine. I do not have the time or the inclination to read this garbage in full or refute his idiotic claims, as such a source is obviously not trustworthy in any way. To think that this sect has degenerated so far since my departure that it would publish such drivel should not be a source of surprise to me. I cannot believe that people I once looked up to as paragons of rationality and wise leaders and teachers of the working-class could be reduced to this. They are so desperate to dig up dirt on NATO and the Ukrainian government that they are now trawling in the very sewers of public discourse for any village idiot to come forward and confirm their bigoted views – and who fits the bill better than a repentant ‘defector’ from the ruling class? Thank goodness I got out of this disgusting enterprise back in March 2020.

I now regard this miserable sect as no better than a far-right organisation. The International Red-Brown Tendency has shown the world it is happy to publish articles written by people who appear on far-right news networks and utter ridiculous conspiracy theories in public. Meanwhile, dissidents within their ranks (as I was) are forbidden to write articles going against the party line! This latest outrage is one of the many means by which this disgusting cult is miseducating and misleading its members and readers about the situation in Ukraine. The editorial board covers its backside with the following disclaimer:

We do not necessarily subscribe to every dot and comma in these articles, nor to anything else Baud may have written. But the very fact that this critique comes, not from a Marxist, but from a former high-ranking official of western intelligence and NATO, renders it a hundred times more valuable.

What a useful get-out clause they’ve provided themselves with. If any of this trash is exposed for what it is – complete bullshit – they can always say that they were merely seeking to ‘stimulate debate’ and that they never totally subscribed to ‘every dot and comma’ of what he said.

These people are truly lowlifes and scum. Something is truly rotten in the state of Denmark. They either believe this garbage, or they are being paid by the Kremlin to spew as much disinformation as possible. I don’t know which is worse. To top it all off, they have at the end of their introduction a Trotsky quote about truth being superior to lies. I wonder if they realise the irony. Just when I think these people can’t get any worse, they go and trash even those minimal expectations. They are giving new life to the term ‘Trotskyist-fascist’. I once again appeal to anyone still in this cult who is having doubts to think again, and escape ASAP.

3 thoughts on “International Marxist Tendency reaches new low, republishes Swiss conspiracy theorist!”

  1. Yeah. It appears this is the creep that Allen Woods got that stupid ‘feint’ idea he was pushing in his last statement, in order to sound smarter than everyone else and explain how brilliant the Russian military is…this is what Baud wrote on March 25th, a couple of weeks before Wood’s garbage:

  2. Well in his defense the chemical weapons attack in Syria is dubious and has never been proved. It has mostly come down to who you want to believe rather than anything concrete. RT is hardly a right wing network either. According to US intelligence’s own report its unAmerican biases are mostly left wing ones – pro environment, anti-money in politics, pro Occupy Movement, the US is an oligarchy – those themes. Most of its commentators have been leftists or, if not, libertarians.

    • Actually all the circumstantial evidence points to the Assad regime as the source of the chemical weapons attacks. That is what investigations have shown.

      RT is one thing, but TV Libertes is quite another. It’s a distinction without a difference anyway, given horseshoe theory.

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